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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Al-Shabaab militants on Wednesday claimed to have carried out suicide bomb attacks at Roob Da’ay security checkpoint south of Mogadishu’s Garasbaley district, causing heaving casualties according to reliable sources.

Al-Shabaab said that its suicide bomber blew himself up at army base in the area, killing 28 security personnel and 51 others injured. The group said that its fighters also carried out other attack with car bomb explosion that also inflicted casualties, but did not identify the number.

The State News Agency, SONNA citing the Deputy Minister of Information of Somalia, Abdirahman Yusuf Al Adala said that the Somali forces foiled two car bomb attacks in which the terrorists were planning to kill people in the capital Mogadishu.

There are no independence sources, but army officers and relatives share photos of the some solders killed in the terrorist attacks at main road linking the capital to Afgoye district in lower Shabelle region, about 30 kilometres south from the capital Mogadishu.

Somalia’s Intelligence chief, Abdullahi Mohamed Ali ‘Sanbaloshe’ and senior security officers visited the crime scene, but they did not provide details about the casualties and the group fighters managed to carry out such large scale attacks at key security bases.

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