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Garowe(Mogadishu24)-Puntland State has strongly denied a statement from the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) regarding the execution of individuals allegedly associated with Al-Shabaab, whom UNICEF claimed were minors.

Puntland’s Minister of Information, Mohamud Aidid Dirir, firmly rejected these claims, stating that those executed were mature adults.

“They were mature people and found guilty,” Minister Dirir asserted. He emphasized that the individuals had been thoroughly investigated, confirming that all were over 30 years old and had admitted to their involvement in the crimes. “We can confirm for the public that all of them were not less than 30 years and they admitted their involvement in the crimes,” he added.

UNICEF expressed deep regret over the execution, stating that the individuals had committed offenses as minors while associated with Al-Shabaab. UNICEF argued that military courts, which issued the convictions and sentences, are not equipped to handle cases involving children and lack specialized child justice procedures.

UNICEF also recalled that the Puntland Age Verification Committee, which included representatives from Puntland authorities, had concluded that the individuals were minors at the time of their arrest and should not have faced the death penalty.

The organization called on Puntland authorities to adhere to international human rights obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which Somalia has ratified.

Despite the controversy, Puntland State maintains that the executed individuals were adults and fully responsible for their actions. The state has also threatened to shoot on sight three escapees linked to the same crimes.

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