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Asmara(Mogadishu24)-President Isaias Afwerki of Eritrea received Claver Gatete, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), at Adi Halo Monday, where they held extensive discussions on Eritrea’s developmental strategies and regional cooperation.

President Isaias highlighted Eritrea’s focus on the judicious management of land and water resources, alongside significant initiatives in agriculture, infrastructure, energy, and other critical sectors according to Eritrea’s Minister of Information, Yemane G. Meskel.

He emphasized that overcoming structural challenges such as poverty, corruption, and external intervention is crucial for Africa to harness its full potential and foster meaningful external partnerships.

The President also underscored the importance of regional partnerships and coordination for collective progress, reaffirming Eritrea’s commitment to collaborating with the ECA to achieve these goals.

The UN Mission in Eritrea noted that Gatete’s visit aims to strengthen the partnership between Eritrea and the UN, with a focus on advancing national development priorities.

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