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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Somalia’s Ministry of Defense has on Thursday responded to a statement from the Ethiopian government, which expressed serious concerns about the transition from the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) to a new peace support mission, warning of potential regional instability.

Somali Defense Minister Mohamed Abdukadir Nor emphasized that regional turmoil began when Ethiopia undermined Somalia’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, and unity.

“Ethiopia must be reminded that the region entered turmoil when they coveted Somali land and denied our territorial, political, and national unity,” Minister Nor stated, reinforcing Somalia’s stance on its sovereignty.

Somalia’s Ambassador to Egypt, Ali Abdi Aware, confirmed that the arrival of Egyptian military equipment in Mogadishu is part of Egypt’s preparation to participate in the upcoming African Union Support Mission in Somalia (AUSSOM), which will replace ATMIS.

Tensions between Somalia and Ethiopia have escalated since Ethiopia signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the breakaway Republic of Somaliland, granting Ethiopia access to 20 kilometers of sea territory.

The relationship has further deteriorated despite Turkey-brokered talks in Ankara during July and August, which failed to produce a resolution. A third round of talks is scheduled for September 17.

Security analysts urge both nations to exercise caution and avoid inflammatory statements ahead of the upcoming negotiations, which are critical to achieving a peaceful resolution. The situation remains tense as regional powers, including Egypt, become more involved in the evolving dynamics of the Horn of Africa.

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