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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Al-Shabaab militants have on Thursday claimed responsibility for mortar attacks targeting Mogadishu’s International Airport and the well-fortified Halane Green Zone, home to the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS), United Nations agencies, and various diplomatic offices.

At least four mortar rounds were fired into the area, with some shells hitting nearby residential areas, causing casualties.

While Somali Police have not yet released detailed information about the attacks, sources report that forces cordoned off residential neighborhoods in Wadajir district, Benadir region, that were damaged by the strikes. The extent of the casualties remains unclear.

This attack comes shortly after the Somali government announced that it had killed approximately 20 Al-Shabaab fighters during a joint operation with international partners along the border areas of Galdugud and Middle Shabelle regions in south-central Somalia. Additionally, two days ago, Al-Shabaab conducted similar attacks on Baidoa’s Shatigudud Airport and Barawe Airport, both located in Southwest State, where Ethiopian and Ugandan forces are stationed.

The assault underscores the ongoing threat posed by Al-Shabaab, despite recent government claims of progress in countering the militant group.

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