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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Somalia’s Supreme Court has rejected the final appeal of Sayid Ali Moallim Da’ud, who was convicted of killing his pregnant wife, Lul Abdiaziz, in Dharkenlay district on January 26, 2024.

The Chief of the Supreme Court, Bashe Yusuf Ahmed, announced the decision on Wednesday, affirming the earlier death sentence handed down by the Benadir Court.

The case, which has been one of the most controversial and sensitive in Somalia’s capital, gained significant public attention due to its severity. Sayid Ali was accused of burning his wife to death before fleeing to the Galmudug State’s Galgudud region.

Somali security forces arrested him near Gabdale, close to the port city of Hobyo in Mudug region, on February 5th and brought him back to Mogadishu.

Sayid Ali first appeared in the Benadir Court on February 21st, two weeks after being held in Mogadishu prison. The case garnered widespread public interest, with live coverage of the trial broadcast on local TV stations. On February 27th, the Benadir Court issued the death sentence, but Abdulle’s family appealed the decision.

The appeal was heard by the Court of Appeals on April 21st, which upheld the original death sentence. However, Abdulle’s family continued to contest the ruling, taking the case to the Supreme Court, which has now concluded with the same outcome.

The family of the victim, Lul Abdiaziz, had refused to bury her body until they were assured of justice. While it is unclear whether Sayid Ali’s relatives will accept the Supreme Court’s decision, the family of Lul Abdiaziz is expected to welcome the court’s verdict, bringing some closure to the tragic case.

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