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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Southwest State opposition leaders held a key meeting with U.S. Ambassador to Somalia, Richard Riley, at the U.S. Embassy in Mogadishu on Wednesday to discuss concerns surrounding the upcoming elections in the region.

The U.S. Embassy emphasized the importance of engaging diverse political perspectives, tweeting, “Engaging with opposition leaders is crucial for a healthy democracy. Diverse perspectives should be heard and respected.”

Among the opposition leaders present were former Federal Parliament Speaker Mohamed Mursal Sheikh Abdirahman, former Southwest State President Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden, and former Finance Minister Mohamed Aden Ibrahim (Farkeeti), Lul Isak Halgan and Farmer Parliament member, Nurani Bakar, all of whom are presidential candidates in the upcoming Southwest State election.

The opposition leaders voiced their concerns about ensuring free, fair, and transparent elections in Baidoa.

Farkeeti, expressing his concerns on social media, noted, “Free, fair, and timely election is the cornerstone of democracy. The root cause of South West problems is uncertainty over the election.”

Southwest State President Abdiaziz Hassan Mohamed ‘Lafta-gareen’ has not yet announced a definitive date for the election, expected in either October or November 2024.

Reports suggest that Lafta-gareen, who came to power under the influence of former President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo in 2018, may plan to hold a controversial election in an attempt to secure another term despite opposition from both regional leaders and the Federal Government of Somalia.

The meeting highlights rising tensions in Southwest State, with conflicting interests from various political factions and questions surrounding the transparency of the election process.

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