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Garissa, Kenya (Mogadishu24)–Residents of Garissa in Kenya staged a large protest to demand urgent government intervention in providing water to areas affected by a prolonged shortage.

Demonstrators gathered in the city’s streets, expressing their inability to afford the high costs of water supplied by tankers, as many are unemployed and cannot bear the financial burden.

Residents pointed out that bringing water from distant areas has made access to clean water difficult for those in need. They criticized the government’s failure to understand the severe challenges facing the community, especially under the scorching sun, emphasizing the critical need for clean water.

The protesters stated that despite filing complaints with authorities, they have not received any government assistance.

They pledged to continue their demonstrations until their demands are met. The price of water in Garissa has surged, with a barrel now costing 10,000 Kenyan shillings, impacting the lives of the city’s poorest residents.

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