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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-On Sunday, Somalia’s Deputy Prime Minister Salah Ahmed Jama rejected the decision by the Upper House of Parliament to strip him of his senatorial membership.

The move, led by Speaker Abdi Hashi Abdullahi, was based on Salah’s absence from parliamentary sessions for over two and a half years.

In response, Jama accused Speaker Hashi of violating both the constitution and parliamentary procedures, claiming that the speaker was attempting to unconstitutionally replace him with a civilian candidate.

Jama praised senators who opposed the speaker’s actions, asserting that his absence from the sessions was justified by his role in the executive council of the federal government.

Jama emphasized that the decision lacked any legal basis and assured the Somali public that he would continue to serve in his capacity as Deputy Prime Minister, defending the constitution and the rule of law.

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