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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The Mogadishu Municipality Authority has launched a rigorous oversight initiative across the 20 districts of the Benadir region, holding local authorities accountable for their performance in delivering assigned tasks.

The move, aimed at improving governance and service delivery, involves daily monitoring of district activities, with an emphasis on identifying and addressing inaction or failure to meet duties.

Deputy Governor of Benadir Regional Administration, Mohamed Ahmed Yaboh, conducted an inspection in Bondhere district on Monday, where he met with district authorities to review their progress.

During the visit, Yaboh emphasized that it is unacceptable for some districts to excel while others lag behind due to negligence by assigned officials.

“It will never be acceptable that some districts are making progress while others are not, as authorities assigned are not working,” Benadir region spokesperson Salah Osman told reporters at the Bondhere district headquarter.

This marks the latest in a series of oversight activities by the Deputy Governor, who had previously inspected other districts. Two days earlier, Yaboh’s assessment led to the suspension of two district commissioners—Hodan and Hawlwadag—citing irregularities and irresponsible behavior.

Mogadishu Mayor Yusuf Husein Madale confirmed the suspensions, explaining that the affected officials will undergo additional training to improve their performance.

The suspensions sparked reactions on social media, with some interpreting the move as a form of public humiliation for the serving officials. Despite the controversy, the Mogadishu Municipality maintains that such actions are necessary to ensure accountability and improve governance across the capital.

As part of this ongoing initiative, the Municipality has vowed to continue its inspections and take necessary action to enhance the performance of all districts in the Benadir region, ensuring that local officials fulfill their responsibilities to the public.

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