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Asmara(Mogadishu24)-Presidents Isaias Afwerki of Eritrea and Hassan Sheikh Mohamud of Somalia engaged in extensive discussions at the State House last evening, focusing on the enhancement of bilateral ties and other mutual interests. The meeting emphasized the deep historical connections between Eritrea and Somalia, highlighting the necessity of fostering comprehensive cooperation in political, security, military, economic, cultural, and social sectors.

President Isaias Afwerki stressed the importance of consolidating robust and all-encompassing bilateral ties that serve the interests of both nations. He invoked the historical ties between the two countries, underlining the imperative of advancing cooperation that benefits both peoples.

In an interview with the Eritrean News Agency, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud praised Eritrea’s significant contribution to rebuilding Somalia’s national army, describing it as a testament to Eritrea’s solidarity with the Somali people and nation. Eritrea’s Minister of Information emphasized the crucial aspect of this cooperation, noting that Eritrea has trained and equipped over 10,000 Somali soldiers, including specialized forces.

These troops are expected to play vital roles in Somalia’s future national army, naval forces, and air forces.

Despite the high-level discussions, Villa Somalia has not provided detailed information about President Mohamud’s visit to Eritrea or its specific objectives. Interestingly, updates regarding the visit have predominantly come from the Eritrean side, feeding information to Somalia and the international community.

Since his re-election in May 2022, President Mohamud has visited Eritrea approximately ten times, reflecting the importance he places on this bilateral relationship. Additionally, Somalia appointed its first ambassador to Eritrea in over three decades, further solidifying diplomatic ties.

This meeting marks a significant step in the ongoing efforts to strengthen the relationship between Eritrea and Somalia, aiming to foster regional stability and mutual growth through enhanced cooperation.

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