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New York(Mogadishu24)-Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Catriona Liang on Monday expressed concern over to witness Al-Shabaab militants exploiting the situation(Somali-Ethiopia row) as a tool for recruitment following the MoU between Ethiopia and Somaliland on January 1st, 2024.

“It is also worrying to see Al-Shabaab exploiting this situation as a tool for recruitment. We recognise that the strong feelings in Somalia are putting pressure on the Government to respond, and we encourage the President to remain measured in his response”, Catriona Liang said during her speech to the UN Security Council on the situation in Somalia and regional developments.

“On 1 January, Ethiopia and “Somaliland” announced a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which reportedly grants Ethiopia a 50-year lease of 20 kilometres of coastline in exchange for certain political and economic benefits to “Somaliland.” The full details of the MOU are not available, but public pronouncements have generated strong hostile public reactions in Somalia”, She said.

The Security Council has repeatedly affirmed its respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity and unity of Somalia, and called for all parties to engage in peaceful and constructive dialogue and to refrain from inflammatory words or actions that could further escalate tensions.

“This situation must be resolved through constructive dialogue. In that regard, it is disappointing that no significant progress was made at the recent Africa Union summit”, she added.

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