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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Al-qaeda linked group, Al-Shabaab increased organized and deadly attacks against the Somali National Army, local forces and the African Union Peacekeeping troops in the south and central Somalia in the past weeks during the holy month of Ramadan.

Yesterday alone, the group carried out two deadly attacks at SNA bases at Daru-nicma area in Middle Shabelle region and Bacadka Farah Aden, close to Harardhere district in Mudug region, claiming to have the upper hand in both areas and inflicted heavy casualties.

Al-Shabaab’ Shadow Governor for middle Shabelle region, Sheikh Yusuf ‘Kaba-ku-takade’ said Tuesday that their fighters killed 23 SNA soldiers at Daru-nicma area in the region while talking control of the area.

The group also claimed to have killed 30 soldiers From SNA and local forces during heavy fighting between the two sides near Harardhere district yesterday.

Sources close to the Government say the army defeated the Al-Shabaab fighters at the area near Harardhere, but didn’t provide details about the two battlefields in those regions so far.

A week ago, the group carried out face to face and suicide car bomb attacks at SNA bases at Busley and Dhanane locations in lower Shabelle region, claiming to have killed 57 soldiers including commander of the Somali Government’s Paramilitary forces. The Government also did not comment on the casualties.

Al-Shabaab also claimed to have 9 soldiers and injured 13 others near Afgoye district in the same during that week, but Somalia’s Ministry of Information said a day after that it carried out two operations in Bagdad and Baldoska area near Jambulul and Afgoye in the same region, killing 39 Al-Shabaab fighters.

The Government said that the operation in Bagdad area was an airstrike one, as though there were reports of civilian cassualties numbering to around 20 people dead. The group also attacked SNA base at Bar-sanguni near Kismayo city in lower Jubba region on the same week.

On March 15, Al-Shabaab carried out terrorist attack at SYL Hotel near Vill-Somalia, killing at least 3 people and injuring 30 others while the attack raised suspicions regarding to the attackers’ access to the area and who facilitated them to do so.

Al-Shabaab militants conducted all those deadly attacks during the holy month of Ramadan, making that the group has increased the attacks.

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