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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Al-Shabaab militants carried out mortar attacks across multiple districts in Mogadishu overnight, claiming to have targeted Somali government forces at district stations in Hamarweyne, Hamar-jejeb, Heliwa, and Yakshid.

Reports suggest that some residential areas may have been hit, although Mogadishu24 could not verify the extent of the casualties.

Somali Police spokesperson Abdifitah Hassan Aden dismissed the incident as non-threatening, stating, “We inform the public that what they heard were plastic bags placed in different locations only.”

The attack occurred just three days after a similar incident involving five mortar rounds landing near Mogadishu Airport and the Wadajir neighborhood, causing panic among residents. The police have yet to provide further details regarding casualties or damage from either attack.

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