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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Somalia’s Court of the Armed Forces on Saturday sentenced two members of the Al-Shabaab terrorist organization to death for their involvement in several murders in Galkayo town, Mudug region.

Anas Abdulqadir Ali Mohamud (Salman) and Adan Mursal Mohamed Macalin (Iidow) were part of a network of six individuals responsible for ambushes and bombings in Mudug, particularly in Galkayo.

Adan Mursal Mohamed Macalin (Iidow) was accused of killing Mohamed Jama Mohamed (Agabiyood).

Anas Abdulqadir Ali Mohamud (Salman), who was the leader of the network, was also accused of killing Abdi Adan Siyad (Abdi Dheere) and Ilmi Ali Guled. These murders occurred as the victims were leaving the mosque after prayers.

On April 17th of this year, they were arrested by the security forces after an operation in response to an explosion that targeted a Landcruiser vehicle owned by the Danab forces.

After an extensive investigation, the Military Court Prosecution Office requested an immediate verdict in this case.

Following several hearings, the Lower Court sentenced Anas Abdulqadir Ali Mohamud (Salman) and Adan Mursal Mohamed Macalin (Iido) to death on May 22nd 2023. However, their lawyers appealed to the higher courts to contest the death sentence.

On the 24th of this month, the Supreme Court of the Armed Forces accepted the appeal request made by the lawyers.

Upon hearing from all parties involved, the Supreme Court ultimately upheld the death sentence issued by the Lower Court on Anas Abdulqadir Ali Mohamud (Salman) and Adan Mursal Mohamed Macalin (Iidow).

This verdict was confirmed by General Liban Ali Yarow, Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Armed Forces.

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