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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Al-Shabaab militants on Tuesday claimed to have carried out dawn attack on Somali National Army base at Ilbaq location near Balcad district in Middle Shabelle which is 30 kilometers north of the capital Mogadishu.

The group said in a statement published via its affiliated media that their fighters killed 27 SNA soldiers, ranger the base and recovered weapons.

Bu the Somali Government did not comment on the group’s claims regarding to the attack on Ilbaq base today, but it said that Government forces killed 10 Al-Shabaab fighters near Galcad district in Galdudud region in central parts of the country.

The African Union Transition Mission in Somalia’s Burundi contingent was reportedly handed over the base to the Somali National Army in recent as part of the drawdown plan of ATMIS.

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