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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Al-Shabaab militants have set fire to the second-largest market near the capital, Mogadishu, in the Garasbaley district of Banadir on Saturday morning. The group reportedly used bomb explosions to ignite the blaze, according to reports and eyewitnesses.

The attack is believed to be in retaliation against business owners who complied with a government order to install CCTV cameras on their premises. This follows a similar incident last week, where Al-Shabaab torched two markets, Safa and Marwa, in Ceelasha-biyaha for the same reason.

Two weeks ago, the group also carried out deadly bomb attacks in Garasbaley and Ceelasha-biyaha, claiming to have killed 28 soldiers and injured 51 others. These attacks have occurred despite ongoing joint operations by police and security forces in the area.

Neither regional authorities nor the federal government have commented on the latest market fire, and the extent of the property loss remains unknown. The attacks highlight the continued threat posed by Al-Shabaab, even as security forces intensify their efforts to combat the group.

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