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Beled-Hawo(Mogadishu24)-At least five people were confirmed injured after the two consecutive bomb explosions hit main market, Farjano in Beled-hawo town in Gedo region near the Somali border with Kenya according to the eyewitnesses.

Two of the victims with critical injuries were deployed to Mandera hospital for treatment according to the news reports.

Al-Shabaab did not comment on the latest attacks on the market in Beled-hawo town in Gedo region, but the attacks seems series of attacks on markets, earlier the group burned down three markets in Ceelasha-biyaha and Garasbaley districts.

Instead Al-Shabaab claimed to have carried out mortar attacks at Shati-gudud Airport in Baidoa town and Barawe Airport in lower Shabelle region under Southwest State with presence of Ethiopian and Ugandan forces under the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia.

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