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Addis Ababa(Mogadishu24)-The African Union’s Peace and Security Council (PSC) adopted the Concept of Operations (CONOPS) for the AU-led mission in Somalia post-ATMIS during its 1225th meeting.

This marks the transition from the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) to the new African Union Support and Stabilization Mission in Somalia (AUSSOM).

The PSC commended the significant progress in Somalia since the AU deployment in 2007 but expressed grave concern over the ongoing threat posed by Al-Shabaab.

The Council adopted the Strategic CONOPS for AUSSOM, emphasizing the need for a smooth transition, enhanced support for Somali security forces, and the importance of sustainable funding for the new mission.

The meeting also highlighted the contributions of Egypt and Djibouti to AUSSOM and called for increased coordination among all stakeholders to ensure the mission’s success.

“As was expected the AU has approved the transition from ATMIS to a new mission AUSSOM, pending final approval from the UNSC. AUSSOM will have a troop strength of just under 12,000 and is expected to last up to a max of 05 years. The approved CONOPS does not specify the troop-contributing countries for the new mission”, Samira Gaid, Regional Security Analyst said on X.

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