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Bosaso(Mogadishu24)- The operations at Bosaso’s Bandar Qasim Airport have returned to normal, with the landing of a Daallo Airlines flight from Dubai this morning. The plane, which made a stop in Boosaaso before reaching Mogadishu, signals the resolution of recent security concerns surrounding the airport.

The arrival of this flight coincides with a statement issued by the Puntland Ministry of Aviation and Airports, which refuted reports suggesting security risks at Bosaso Airport. The Ministry emphasized that the airport is operating as usual, handling both international and domestic flights.

This development follows a recent warning issued by Puntland’s Security Force (PSF), which called for the suspension of flights to Bosaso due to a dispute over the airport’s management. The PSF had claimed that injured soldiers were being denied access to the airport for medical treatment, demanding the return of the facility’s control to its previous administrators.

Sources within Puntland State believe that the ongoing dispute between the PSF and Puntland may be influenced by the Federal Government of Somalia, with suspicions that the objective is to create instability in parts of Puntland.

Puntland State had earlier this year severed ties with the Federal Government, citing disagreements over constitutional amendments and the federal state’s role in Somalia’s state-building process.

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