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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Somalia’s Cabinet Ministers on Thursday approved a Memorandum of Understanding(MoU) between the Governments of Somalia and Ethiopia.

During their weekly meeting chaired by Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre, the Ministers discussed the country’s overall security situation.

This Memorandum of Understanding was aimed at fostering the relationship between the two countries, particularly on foreign affairs and other public administrations sectors.

“These agreements between the two countries which was implemented by the cabinets involves promotion of foreign affairs, health, education, information, tourism, and the enhancement of public administrations,” read the statement from the Prime Minister’s office.

The Council of Ministers’ meeting also analysed reports on the country’s general security, particularly operations to liberate and stabilize remaining areas, presented by the Ministries of Defence and Internal Security.

The ministers applauded the achievements of the army and the local forces in the offensive war against Al-Shabaab while underlining the importance of collaborative efforts to eradicate the terrorist organization.

Somalia and Ethiopia have previously signed several agreements covering across various sectors, especially cooperation on security matters and the joint effort against Al-Shabaab militants.

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