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Djibouti(Mogadishu24)-President of the Republic of Djibouti, Ismail Omar Guelleh on Wednesday held consultative talks with former Sudanese Prime Minister and current Coordinator of the Civil Democratic Forces of that country, Abdallah Hamdok to find peaceful solution to the conflict in Sudan.

The discussions between President Guelleh and Hamdok focused mainly on the identification of complementary trust processes between the main actors in the Sudanese crisis, including General Abdel Fattah Al Burhan and General Mohamed Hamdane Daglo, with a view to the definitive implementation of the agreement meeting, prelude to a ceasefire of hostilities, to which they have already agreed.

“The move of Hamdok to Djibouti is related to extensive consultations with all political and military sensitivities and forces of Sudan led by President Guelleh, Acting President of the IGAD, in order to find a solution to the crisis for this brother country, theater of a bloody conflict since last April”, The Presidency said in a statement.

The talks also expanded to the nature of the multifaceted support Sudan’s Civil Democratic Forces are able to provide President Guelleh, Acting Chairman of IGAD, in his efforts to help Sudan’s sister nation rebuild with peace and stability.

Djiboutian President’s talks with former Sudanese Prime Minister, Hamdok and his delegation came two days after the country hosted peaceful dialogue between the waring parts in Sudan.

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