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Djibouti(Mogadishu24)-Djibouti’s Ministry of Social Affairs and National Development, along with the Ministry of Finance, has strategically advanced the development of the Djibouti Social Development Agency, a step forward towards funding projects to reduce poverty.

The Minister of Economy and Finance, Ilyas Mousa Dawaleh, and the Minister of Social Affairs and National Development, Ms. Uluufo Ismail Abdo jointly organized a meeting that centred on developing the Agency’s ongoing and upcoming projects, specifically rural inclusion, regional development, and socio-economic infrastructure.

Minister Ilyas Mousa Dawaleh emphasized the program’s goal of bridging the gap between the capital and the regions.

“We held a joint meeting with the Minister of Social Affairs and the top management of the Djibouti Social Development Agency to discuss the programming of future actions. We emphasized rural and regional inclusion in our socio-economic infrastructural developments, as well as inter-regional connectivity. We also discussed how we can work together to reduce the gap between Djibouti City and the regions,” stated Minister Dawaleh.

Mahdi Mohamed Jamaa, the Executive Officer of the Djibouti Social Development Agency (ADDS), outlined plans for a three-year project aimed at strengthening the agency’s functions and public service roles.

“Our upcoming project will enhance our operations and promote fundamental development to better serve the public,” said Mr. Mahdi Jaama.

Minister Uluufo Ismail Abdo, the Minister of Social Affairs, welcomed the collaboration with the Ministry of Finance, emphasizing the improved delivery of quality services to the Djibouti people.

“Today, we met with the Minister of Economy and Finance to discuss additional funding for our poverty reduction projects. The Ministry expressed satisfaction with our programs and agreed to finance the project,” stated Ms. Uluufo, the minister of Social Affairs and National Development.

Earlier this week, the government of Djibouti launched a proper housing project aimed at benefiting about 500,000 families residing in Djibouti city and nearby areas. The program is intended to provide essential support to families facing economic challenges due to the high cost of living.

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