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Addis Ababa(Mogadishu24)-The Federal Republic of Ethiopia has announced that the fourth round of Trilateral negotiations with Egypt and Sudan has not been successful after the parties failed to reach a solution on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD).

In a statement, Ethiopia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that Ethiopia maintained its stance of accommodating the interests of all the riparian countries that would help bring cooperation and common prosperity to the region.

“Ethiopia endeavored and keenly engaged with the two lower riparian countries to address the major issue of difference and reach an amicable agreement,” the statement read.

The statement further added that Egypt insisted on protecting the unacceptable colonial-era agreements.

“Egypt, in contrast, maintained a colonial-era mentality and erected roadblocks against efforts toward convergence.”

The Ministry said that Ethiopia would utilize its rights to access the water across the Nile, stating that the GERD is aimed to enhance confidence and build trust among the three countries.

“Ethiopia would, thus, like to make it abundantly clear that it will continue to utilize its water resources to meet the needs of the present and future generations based on the principle of equitable and reasonable utilization,” the statement reads in part.

Ethiopia has also stated that Egypt has violated UN and the African Union’s laws while rejecting Ethiopia’s misrepresentation by Egypt.

“Egypt has issued a statement that violates the UN Charter and the Constitutive of the African Union. Ethiopia also rejects the misrepresentation of its position by Egypt,” the statement read in part.

The Ministry further reiterated its commitment to addressing outstanding issues and reaching an amicable solution to the use of Nile water resources guided by the principle of equitable and reasonable use without causing significant harm to downstream countries.

“Ethiopia remains committed to reaching an amicable and negotiated settlement that addresses the interests of the three countries and looks forward to the resumption of the negotiation,” the statement said.

The Federal Republic of Ethiopia has been seeking access to the sea through multiple countries, including Somalia, Djibouti, and Eritrea.

Last month, Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed stated that Ethiopia will seek access to seawater by any means.

“If we don’t talk about the Red Sea issues, we will as much not talk about wheat, green legacy, tax collection…[if we have accomplished all these] and lose it due to [not discussing] the Red Sea, it’s meaningless. So let’s discuss it,” said Abiy Ahmed, Ethiopia’s Prime Minister.

Following the statement, the Eritrean government announced the suspension of official maritime bilateral talks to grant landlocked Ethiopia access to the sea.

“In the event, the Government of Eritrea repeatedly reiterates that it will not, as ever, be drawn into such alleys and platforms. The Government of Eritrea further urges all concerned not to be provoked by these events,” the statement from Eritrea’s Ministry of Information read.

Leaders from the Federal government of Somalia also collectively opposed Ethiopia’s claim to access the sea through any means and their assertion of having controlled Saylac during the pre-colonial period.

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