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Addis Ababa(Mogadishu24)-Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed on Sunday emphasized Ethiopia’s long-standing commitment to defending its sovereignty, stating that the country has never invaded another nation but has always defended itself against external threats.

His comments were made in celebration of “Sovereignty Day,” which falls on Pagume 3 (September 8, 2024), part of Ethiopia’s “Thirteenth Month” celebrations leading up to the Ethiopian New Year.

“The name Ethiopia has long been associated with honor, excellence, and freedom. Throughout its history, Ethiopia has maintained its sovereignty and never invaded another country.

However, it has always defended itself against those who threatened its sovereignty,” Abiy stated. He added that Ethiopia’s sovereignty extends beyond its borders, encompassing sectors like food security, technology, and the national budget, which are essential for the country’s prosperity.

The Prime Minister’s remarks come amid worsening relations with Somalia following Ethiopia’s port deal with Somaliland, granting it sea access.

Despite failed mediation efforts in Turkey, a third round of talks is expected to take place later this month. Abiy stressed Ethiopia’s desire for peaceful relations but warned, “We will not hesitate to return shame to those who seek to take advantage of us.”

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