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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Abdiwahab Osman Ahmed, an employee of Hormuud Telecommunications company, was killed on Saturday evening after an explosion hit a vehicle belonging to the company in Hilwa district.

The deceased, along with two other injured employees, was targeted while they were in the Noha vehicle owned by the company.

This explosion occurred just 10 days after another vehicle belonging to Hormuud encountered a landmine explosion on the outskirts of Mogadishu, killing Ahmed Omar Abdulle, another employee of the company.

Last month, a series of explosions targeted some of Hormuud’s branches, including the branch in Xero-German, which was the company’s Vocational Training in Deyniile district, and the BTS in the Musaley area of Elasha Hawa neighborhood.

The Somali government and the management of Hormuud have not yet commented on the attacks on the company’s premises, and no one has claimed responsibility.

Hormuud company is facing repeated attacks; many of the company’s facilities have been destroyed by explosions in the past months and weeks.

The attacks on the company’s facilities mostly occur at night, and the perpetrators remain unknown.

IS and Al-Shabaab militants are known to have such actions committed, intending to take extortion from business companies here in Mogadishu.

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