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Rome, Italy(Mogadishu24)–The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has on Friday unveiled a $30 million plan aimed at mitigating the effects of the La Niña weather phenomenon from September 2024 to June 2025.

The initiative seeks to enhance preparedness, protect agricultural livelihoods, and improve emergency responses in vulnerable regions, supporting approximately 50,000 households.

The FAO’s three-pillar approach includes early warning systems for adverse weather patterns, agricultural resilience measures such as seed distribution and animal health interventions, and rapid food security responses to ensure communities impacted by La Niña receive timely support.

The plan will be implemented in phases, addressing immediate needs in high-risk areas while promoting sustainable practices for long-term resilience.

FAO calls on donors, governments, and partners to support this comprehensive effort to mitigate La Niña’s potential impact on food security and livelihoods.

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