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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Concerns about financial difficulties in Mogadishu have sparked widespread reactions and debates on social media, with many residents accusing the federal government of causing the city’s economic woes. Complaints have centered around issues such as the flow of money, rising unemployment, and alleged governmental mismanagement.

Public Outcry and Government Response

Youth in Mogadishu have attributed the financial hardships to a lack of job opportunities, increased taxes on residential areas, and inadequate provision of essential services like health, safety, and education. These grievances have led to accusations that the government is failing to support its citizens.

In response, Somalia’s Minister of Education, Farah Sh. Abdukadir, addressed these concerns during a graduation ceremony in Mogadishu yesterday. He dismissed claims of widespread bankruptcy, attributing the financial difficulties to joblessness.


“When he could not work or could not come with initiatives then he would come with a story that there is broke or bankruptcy in the city. There is no broke, but there is a jobless person. He who lived with being freeloader (Shaxaad) and preferred to sit down at hotels and pay more than what those who work could not manage their daily life, living the ideal life is the one saying about the broke. It is an agenda aimed to hiding joblessness,” he said.

Other government officials have suggested that the rumors of bankruptcy might be linked to the blocking of Al-Shabaab financial accounts. Despite these assurances, Somalia remains one of the world’s poorest countries, grappling with low employment rates, security issues, and humanitarian challenges, even as it receives support from international donors.

Economic and Social Context

The current economic distress in Mogadishu reflects broader issues facing Somalia, where systemic challenges continue to impact daily life. As debates continue, the government is urged to address the root causes of unemployment and economic instability to alleviate the suffering of its citizens.

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