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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Former Prime Ministers of the Federal Government of Somalia, Hassan Ali Kheyre and Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharma’arke and an MP, Abdirahman Abdishakur Warsame on Saturday strongly opposed Parliament’s approval to the proposed constitutional amendments today, accusing the President of opting new constitution that could cause political instability into the country.

These politicians said in a joint statement that the President has led the country into political instability and uncertainty, jeopardized the reconciliation process and nation-building, damaged the trust and confidence in national unity, and created two constitutions that cloud the legality of the President and other constitutional institutions.

“We collectively reject the new constitution and recognize the provisional constitution consisting of 15 chapters and 143 articles. We will never accept a constitution altered to fulfill the perverse desire and will of the Presidency”, said the statement.

Instead of prioritizing the amendment of constitutional articles, the President has opted for a new constitution that reflects the oppressive past where power was concentrated in one hand, and the political competition was adjudicated by the ruling authority, who also owned the playing field.

The Statement further explained, saying Our country’s provisional constitution consists of 15 chapters divided into 143 articles. The crucial aspects agreed upon for the revision and completion of the Constitution include:

  1. The status of the Capital
  2. Clarification of the powers of the Federal Government and Federal Member States.
  3. Distribution of resources and national revenue.
  4. Defining the powers of the judiciary, finance, and security at both the federal and state levels.
  5. Establishment of the Constitutional Court.

The Constitution also mandated the formation of independent committees to strengthen the power of the people, enhance the transparency and independence of state institutions such as:

a) The Judicial Service Commission, b) The Human Rights Commission, c) The Anti-Corruption Commission, d) The Parliamentary Services Commission, e) The Federal and Boundaries Commission, f) The Government Coordination Commission, g) The Independent National Elections Commission, h) The National Security Commission, i) The Truth and Reconciliation Commission, j) The Public Guardian.

“We clarify to the Somali people and the international community that President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and the leadership of both chambers of the Parliament will bear the responsibility and consequences of changing the constitution. We remind every citizen that it is their duty to oppose any attempt to return to the painful past, which harms the unity and cohesion of the country, and weakens the reconciliation process and nation-building”, concluded the statement.

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