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Nairobi(Mogadishu24)-On this World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, with the theme “Leave No Child Behind in the Fight Against Human Trafficking,” the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Save the Children (SC), and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) are focusing on the critical issue of child trafficking.

Globally, one in three identified trafficking victims is a child. In the East and Horn of Africa region, children account for 12% of trafficked individuals. Vulnerable due to poverty, conflict, and climate change, these children are often exploited in forced labor, domestic servitude, and sexual exploitation.

Urgent Calls for Action

Rana Jaber, IOM Regional Director: “Child trafficking is both a crime and a gross violation of human rights. Governments and stakeholders must ensure timely access to protection services for all child trafficking victims.”

Yvonne Arunga, SC Regional Director: “Priority must be given to addressing risk factors that heighten children’s vulnerability to trafficking and to enhancing the protective ecosystem around them.”

Etleva Kadilli, UNICEF Regional Director: “UNICEF calls for strengthening child protection systems and regional justice mechanisms to ensure inclusivity for all migrant children.”

IOM, SC, and UNICEF urge enhanced community protection mechanisms, better identification and prosecution of traffickers, and development of child-sensitive anti-trafficking laws. The organizations reaffirm their commitment to creating a safer environment for children and reducing the incidence of child trafficking through comprehensive support and advocacy.

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