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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The Federal Government of Somalia on Thursday appointed Hodan Osman as the Governor of the Somali Development Bank and Adam Roble as Director of this financial institution

The Cabinet Ministers approved the proposal of the Ministry of Finance regarding to the appointment and building of this key institute during their weekly meeting.

Ms. Hodan is an academic expert in the financial sector and she was working with the Federal Government of Somalia’ leadership in areas of debt relief, payment systems, access to financing and state-building in the past years.

She also travelled with President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud’s first trip to the United States of America according to Mogadishu24.

““I fell in love with public service in Somalia,” she says. “I definitely needed some perspective, and the chance to gain new tools — but I left knowing I was coming back. I’m excited to go back. I can’t imagine myself doing anything better with my life.” she wrote this the Havard Gazette in July, 2018.

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