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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The Cabinet of Ministers approved the “Anti-Piracy and Anti-Kidnapping Bill” in a majority vote on Thursday. This bill amends Law No. 36 of 30 April 1975, and it was tabled by the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs.

The cabinet passed this critical legislative framework during their weekly meeting, which aims to identify and regulate offenses related to piracy and kidnapping, enhancing security in Somali and international waters while delivering just penalties for those convicted of such crimes.

The implementation of this legislative bill will be a important strategic effort to curb piracy activities and ensure a fair and transparent judicial process for those accused while safeguarding their rights.

Somalia’s Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Hon. Hassan Moalim, highlighted the importance of this bill in addressing challenges related to maritime issues.

“The 1975 law we currently have falls short in addressing the complexities of crimes that often transcend our borders. It is imperative that our laws align with international standards and meet the legal needs of our society,” said Hon. Hassan Moalim.

This bill comes at a time when illegal fishing has become rampant in Somalia and the Horn of Africa region at large.

The Federal Government has previously taken measures to curb these offenses, particularly illegal fishing, piracy, and kidnapping.

Last month, Somali police issued strict orders targeting fishing industries, boat owners, and fishermen to regulate maritime activities.

They imposed a curfew starting at 6:00 pm for boats operating between Jaziira Bateero and Liido ports, as well as for those engaged in fishing in the ocean through this entry point, as well directing all boats to undergo security checks upon entering these ports.

In August, the Benadir Regional Court of Appeal judged 36 foreign nationals who were arrested for illegal fishing within Somalia’s sea territory. The court fined each of them $12,000, resulting in a total fine of $432,000 for all the defendants.

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