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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Somalia’s Cabinet Ministers approved the “Draft Legislation for the Law on Cyber Security of Somalia” during their weekly ministerial meeting on Thursday, strengthening the nation’s digital security infrastructure.

The comprehensive legislation, proposed by the Ministry of Telecommunications and Technology, marks a crucial step in Somalia’s approach to addressing the growing challenges in the cyber domain, particularly Cybercrime offenses.

“During their weekly meeting, the Cabinet Ministers of the Federal Government of Somalia, chaired by Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre, approved the Cyber Security Law to reduce a wide range of Cybercrime cases,” reads a statement from the Office of the Prime Minister.

The legislation which was approved by the ministers contains several key issues includes detailed provisions for the establishment and operation of the National Cyber Security Agency.

The Agency will design a cybersecurity strategy and be mandated to cover the protection of critical digital infrastructure, rapid response to cybersecurity incidents, and the implementation of national cybersecurity policies.

“This legislation contains the establishment of the National CyberSecurity Agency, which has legal an independence with the ability to own property, enter into valid contracts, have obligations, can be sued, and can sue using its name in accordance with the laws of the country,” reads the draft bill from the Ministry of Technology.

The legislation also suggests the creation of the Somali Computer Emergency Response Team (SOM-CERT), a specialized unit designed to respond to cyber threats and incidents.

“The agency will deploy a cybersecurity emergency response force known as SOM-CERT under the cybersecurity agency,” the statement added.

This agency aims to focus on operators of critical infrastructure, imposing stringent responsibilities and requirements to maintain strong cybersecurity defences, protecting the government’s digital services from threats.

The legislation further emphasizes the importance of information sharing in combating cyber threats, establishing protocols for effective communication between government entities, private sector actors, and international partners.

The approval of this legislation by the cabinet has received widespread support from various sectors, including government officials, cybersecurity experts, and international observers, who view it as a proactive step to safeguard Somalia’s digital landscape against evolving cyber threats and aligning the country with global cybersecurity standards.

This legislation will be forwarded to the Parliament for review, debate, and a vote for its final ratification.

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