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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-President of the Federal Government of Somalia, Hassan Sh. Mohamud accused Al-Shabaab militant group of fueling deadly clashes between clans in the south and central Somalia during his remarks at the bicameral session yesterday.

“The civil-wars returned back in recent, is part of the enemy’s plan and the terrorists intending to create conflict among the Somali people, in order, we may turn our direction from liberating Al-Shabaab”, Mohamud stressed.

He noted that the Federal Government of Somalia and Federal Member States made efforts to mediate warring sides and restore peace in the conflict zones, applauding regional states for their role in ceasing the tensions.

“It is a responsibility on all of us to stand for stopping those clashes. I am also praising politicians, traditional elders, scholars and civil society groups who are engaged in ceasing the hostilities”, President Hassan said.

President Hassan’s remarks came a week after deadly fighting between two clans happened at several areas in Mudug region, leaving at 20 people mostly warring sides dead and more than 50 others injured. Similar tragic fighting happened in between Abudwak and Herale districts in Galgudud regions at time.

It is worth mentioning that fresh clashes were reported to have taken in Luuq district yesterday while such confrontation happened at the border between Middle Shabelle and Hiiraan regions under Hirshabelle State and Qoryoley town in lower Shabelle region under Southwest State earlier.

Al-Shabaab denied all those allegations relating to their involvement in inciting the tribal conflict in the country, instead the group claimed to be working on negotiations and peaceful co-existence among the communities.

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