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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)– In a surprise visit, Workneh Gebeyehu, the former Ethiopian Foreign Minister and current Executive Secretary of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), arrived in Mogadishu on Monday, accompanied by a high-level delegation from the regional bloc.

The visit comes amid escalating tensions between Somalia and Ethiopia following two failed rounds of Turkey-brokered talks in Ankara, with a third round, scheduled for September 17, now postponed indefinitely.

Speaking at a press conference alongside Somalia’s Foreign Minister Ahmed Moalim Fiqi, Gebeyehu expressed IGAD’s commitment to addressing the ongoing dispute between the two neighboring nations.

“Brothers and sisters of Somalia, destiny has brought us together, no one can separate us. Challenges may come and pass, but I can assure you that IGAD will play its constructive role in resolving the challenges the Federal Republic of Somalia faces,” Gebeyehu said.

His visit marks the sixth time he has been to Somalia, reflecting IGAD’s deep involvement in regional stability. Gebeyehu also emphasized Somalia’s key role in IGAD, particularly in mediating the ongoing conflict in Sudan, stating, “I am very happy that IGAD has entrusted the Federal Republic of Somalia to assist in bringing our brothers and sisters in Sudan to the peace process.”

During the press conference, Minister Fiqi highlighted the fruitful discussions held with the IGAD delegation, focusing on regional stability, climate change, and the establishment of Somalia’s first Blue Economy Centre of Excellence. Fiqi reaffirmed Somalia’s confidence in IGAD’s leadership in fostering regional cooperation, particularly in peacebuilding efforts.

Addressing the current tensions with Ethiopia, Fiqi stressed that Somalia’s issue lies with the MoU signed between Ethiopia and Somaliland, not with the Ethiopian people. “We have no conflict with the people of Ethiopia. What we disagree on is the MoU, not the Ethiopian people but the government currently in power,” he clarified.

Regional experts remain cautiously optimistic about IGAD’s role in mediating the Somalia-Ethiopia conflict, though some believe it may be too late to resolve the matter quickly. The visit follows a series of diplomatic exchanges, including unfriendly tweets between Somali and Ethiopian diplomats in recent days, raising the stakes for Gebeyehu’s mediation efforts.

Somalia and Ethiopia, both key IGAD members, now look to the regional bloc to help resolve their differences and restore stability in the Horn of Africa.

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