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Kismayo(Mogadishu24)-Jubaland State on Monday revealed that it completed the primary stages of the repairing of Farwamo bridge and key road between Bula-gudud and Yontoy locations near Kismayo town in lower Juba region.

The Second Deputy President of Jubaland, Abdukadir Haji Mohamud together with a large regional authorities paid an inspection into those infrastructures, telling the differences between the two eras.

“These are primary stages where we can access the road and the bridge and we will build them better in the future. Al-Shabaab militants and floods caused the destruction and damages of the both key infrastructures. This was a community led-efforts, we call for the people to contribute to the building such projects”, Abdikadir said.

Warlords era and Al-Shabaab militants have destroyed key bridges linking Kismayo town and to the rest of lower Juba and MiddleJuba regions in the southern parts of the country.

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