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UN Security

Kismayo(Mogadishu24)-Jubaland State President, Ahmed Mohamed Islam welcomed the United Nations Security Council’s Resolution lifting arms embargo on Somalia after 32 years, congratulating the Federal Government of reaching key achievements of Somalia’s Statehood.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the regional Parliament session, Ahmed said that the Federal Government of Somalia, and regional states and Al-Shabaab were the same in terms of having the weapons, but he said that the Government could access heavy weapons to fight against terrorists now.

“The Current Government achieved key points which are politically important for the statehood of Somalia, We can boast of today and it can be good record for this government(Dan-Qaran) on activities done under the situation”, The President said.

He thanked the President and his Prime Minister for reaching these milestones of overcoming them. “We, the Federal Government, Federal Member States and Al-Shabaab were two guerrilla fighters, we were not different, we had the same weapon they had while the International Partners were only ones who were supporting us in areas reciving heavy weapons during operations”, he added.

This comes days after the United Nations Security Council lifted arms embargo on Somalia and imposed the sanctions on Al-Shabaab militants, the move was warmly welcomed the Federal Government of Somalia and former heads of the States and politicians.

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