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Nairobi(Mogadishu24)-Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua announced on Monday that the Ksh. 300 billion projects under the North and North Eastern Development Initiative (NEDI) aim to catalyze socio-economic transformation in the historically underserved regions of Northern and North-Eastern Kenya.

The government, in collaboration with the World Bank and other partners, is working to implement projects in various sectors, including transport, agriculture, water, health, education, and energy.

“The opening up of Northern and North-Eastern Kenya is a priority for our administration because the area has lagged behind for a long time. We thank our partners, especially the World Bank, for the capital injection to unlock this region’s potential,” Gachagua said during a high-level NEDI consultative meeting in Karen, Nairobi.

Key projects include the 740km Horn of Africa Gateway Project (HoAGP) from Isiolo to Mandera, the Isiolo Export Abattoir, and the construction of 400 boreholes as part of the Horn of Africa Ground Water for Resilience Project (HOAGWRP). These projects are designed to improve infrastructure and resilience against climate change.

Gachagua emphasized the importance of involving local leaders in the development initiatives to ensure that the projects benefit the intended communities. He also highlighted the potential of the region to contribute to Kenya’s food security, citing similar climatic areas in the Middle East that have become food production hubs.

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