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Beijing(Mogadishu24)-Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary John Mbadi has signed a loan agreement with Mr. Tan Jiong, President of China Development Bank, to finance the construction of 15 rural roads across Kenya.

The signing took place in Beijing as part of the government’s push to enhance rural connectivity and boost economic development.

“These roads will boost economic activities, create jobs, and improve access to essential services in the rural areas,” said Mbadi during the signing ceremony.

The National Treasury and National Planning of Kenya emphasized the importance of the deal, stating, “Today’s signing is important because the government prioritizes rural roads development. This project will unlock opportunities for trade, improve market access, and enhance the quality of life for millions in underserved areas, marking a key step toward achieving Kenya’s Vision 2030 goals.”

The project is seen as a significant move toward improving infrastructure in Kenya’s rural areas, with the potential to uplift livelihoods and foster economic growth.

The deal came a day after the Forum for China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) ended in Beijing where China offered Africa over 50 billion U.S dollars in fresh funding and promised to create million of jobs.


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