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Nairobi(Mogadishu24)-Kenyan Muslim leaders held a press conference on Sunday, calling on the Kenyan Government to sever ties with Israel, accusing it of committing crimes against humanity.

Abdullahi Abdi, Chairman of the National Muslim Leaders Forum (NAMLEF), stated that it is essential for the Kenyan government to terminate its relations with Israel and recall its ambassador due to Israel’s occupation and aggression against Palestinians for over 16 years.

The Muslim Leaders Forum also urged the government to recall its ambassador to Israel, as well as the parliament to petition Israel government over its attacks on Palestinians.

“The Kenyan government should sever relations with Israel and recall our Ambassador,” Abdi said during a press briefing at Jamia Mosque.

The Muslim leaders described Israel’s invasion of Gaza as a massacre against the Palestinian people and urged the Kenyan government to take a decisive stance on this issue.

“The tragic events unfolding, including the dire humanitarian crisis resulting from the siege, blockade, and indiscriminate bombardment from the air, sea, and land of the Gaza Strip by Israel, have no parallel in history,” read the statement issued by the Muslim leaders on Sunday.

The statement added, “We call for a genuine and lasting solution to the Palestinian problem.”

Israel has faced international backlash for its war crimes against Palestinians, with the Free Palestine campaign mobilizing millions around the world.

Thousands of American citizens gathered in front of the White House on Friday to express solidarity with the Palestinians and voice concerns about America’s support for Israel.

The conflict between Israel and Palestinian resistance groups has entered its eleventh day, with Israeli authorities threatening to continue the bombing until they eliminate the Hamas group.

Israeli airstrikes have resulted in the deaths of approximately 2,750 Palestinians, including over 700 children, while more than 9,042 have been injured.

The United Nations has confirmed that Israel has destroyed over 1,300 buildings in the Gaza Strip.

Israeli warplanes are conducting large-scale bombings in various areas of the Gaza Strip, leaving local areas leveled.

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