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Wajir(Mogadishu24)-Acting Inspector General of Police Gilbert Masengeli, alongside top police commanders, has arrived in Wajir County as part of a comprehensive mission to evaluate and enhance security measures in northeastern Kenya.

The region, which has faced persistent security challenges due to its proximity to Somalia, has been a hotspot for terrorist activities, including attacks by the militant group Al-Shabaab.

The purpose of the visit, led by Masengeli, is to conduct a thorough assessment of the security landscape in the region and identify solutions to maintain peace and order.

During the visit, the officials engaged with local authorities and reviewed security protocols across the wider northern region, which has seen an uptick in attacks by terrorists crossing from Somalia.

“The outcome of this assessment will pave the way for maintaining peace and order in all corners of the nation,” Masengeli said, emphasizing the significance of the evaluation in curbing the insecurity plaguing the area.

Accompanying Masengeli were other top security officials, including Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) chief Mohamed Amin and the General Service Unit (GSU) commander.

They evaluated the challenges faced by security forces, the relationship between local security agencies, and strategies to improve community security and prevent illegal activities, such as arms trafficking and human smuggling.

This visit comes amid increased efforts by Kenyan security forces to suppress the activities of Al-Shabaab, whose operatives often launch attacks and retreat across the Somali border. Locals have occasionally been accused of aiding the militants, complicating security operations in the area.

Masengeli underscored that the mission is not only focused on counterterrorism but also on addressing illegal arms trade, undocumented migration, and the trafficking of narcotics. These are key issues contributing to instability in the region.

The visit follows a recent surge in violent incidents in northeastern Kenya, including a tragic attack in Mandera, where a young man was killed by armed robbers at a fuel station. The killing sparked outrage and highlighted the ongoing threat posed by criminal elements operating in the region.

Kenyan security chiefs are expected to continue their tour of the northeastern counties, ensuring that measures are in place to protect local communities from the constant threat of terrorism and criminal activity.

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