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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-A devastating fire has on Sunday destroyed much of the main market in Jowhar, the administrative capital of Hirshabelle State in Somalia. Reports indicate that 70 percent of the market was damaged by the blaze, though the cause of the fire remains unclear.

Hirshabelle State President, Ali Hussein Gudlawe, visited the scene of the fire and expressed his sorrow to the traders who lost their properties.

“It is the third time that such a problem returns and major fire destroys Hanti-wadaag market. There is something wrong. I urge the security forces to conduct an immediate investigation into the matter. We need to know the root causes of the burning of the market,” Gudlawe said.

Local authorities confirmed that there was no formal emergency response to the fire, leaving traders and volunteers to try to control the blaze on their own. The lack of firefighting resources in the region, coupled with Jowhar’s isolation due to Al-Shabaab’s presence, has hindered the city’s growth and development, as President Gudlawe mentioned in an earlier interview.

The city, located about 90 kilometers north of Mogadishu, continues to face significant challenges in infrastructure and security, making incidents like this particularly damaging to the community. An investigation into the fire’s cause is expected to be launched promptly.

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