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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Court of the Armed Forces on Sunday sentenced a municipal civil guard, Dahir Ali Abdi after finding him guilty for spying to the militant group of Al-Shabaab and facilitated assassination for the group in Afgoye district in lower Shabelle region.

Court Prosecutor, Mohamed Abdi Munin said that the soldier started to work with Al-Shabaab in 2017, and he was involved in the killing of several officials killed in Afgoye after sharing their information the group.

He said that the Security forces arrested Abdi on October, 2023 then submitted to the court, adding that the court found him all charges against him and sentenced him to 10 years military jail.

This comes hours after the Somali Government revealed that it arrested 16 suspects including five soldiers for their role in facilitating the terrorist attack on SYL Hotel in Mogadishu on March 15, 2024.

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