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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The Federal Parliament of the Somalia on Saturday denied reports that one of its staff was involved in the latest terrorist suicide car bomb attack and siege at Hotel SYL in the capital Mogadishu, leaving at least 3 people and 30 others injured.

Secretary General of The Parliament’s Lower House, Abdirahman Mohamed Abdulle (Jabiri) confirmed that the circulated ID Card and the individual appeared on it after the attack was not member of the Parliament staff, describing it as fake and baseless.

He warned against anyone falsifying Parliament’s ID Card will face legal actions.

Al-Shabaab militants claimed the responsibility for the attack on Hotel SYL near Somalia’s Presidential Palace on Friday that lasted 15 hours long, but suspicions over the possibility of such militants to reach the hotel were emerging, despite Government investigation into to the matter.

Several officers were arrested in connection to the attack at the Hotel according to Government sources.

Earlier, Former Speaker of the Federal Parliament, Mohamed Mursal Sh. Abdirahman’s driver Hussein Mohamed Hassan was confirmed to have joined to Al-Shabaab in December 2022 following Villa-Rays hotel in that same year.

In 2016, Former Member of the Federal Parliament, Salah Badbado who joined the group, carried out suicide attack at Mogadishu Airport. Such bad records of the Parliament are thought to have resulted in rumors and specualations to be fabricated according to the security analysts.

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