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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Somali Police forces on Saturday issued a warrant arrest to a man who was behind the murder of his pregnant wife, Lul Sheikh Abdiaziz after burning her to death in Mogadishu’s Dharkenlay district.

The Police said that they looking for Sayid Mo’alim Daud who set fire on his pregnant and as a result she died for the severe injuries of the fire at the Turkish run-hospital Ex-Degfere yesterday. The Police asked the public to contribute information regarding to his arrest, offering financial reward to anyone who tells whereabouts of him.

Daud seems to be fugitive and escaped from the courts, but the case created public outcry throughout the country while demanding the perpetrator to be brought before court as soon as possible.

Members of the Somalia’s Federal Parliament also joined the matter, calling the Government to take action against the fugitive and bring him to book.

The victim, Lul had five children whose father died earlier and she was working at Mogadishu’s Airport according to her relatives.

Such tragic incidents are on the rise in the capital Mogadishu as well as many cities across the country and they are related to jealous and misunderstanding among partners.

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