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Djibouti(Mogadishu24)-President Ismail Omar Guelleh participated in the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games on Friday, July 26. Despite the moody weather, President Guelleh, accompanied by an official delegation, enjoyed the event from a reserved stand along the Seine, alongside other international leaders.

The ceremony, marked by light rain, featured a spectacular display of France’s cultural and heritage richness, captivating 300,000 spectators and millions of viewers worldwide. A highlight was the passing of the Djibouti delegation, which ignited the crowd’s excitement. Djibouti athletes proudly showcased the national colors, symbolizing unity and diversity.

French President Emmanuel Macron officially declared the Games open, emphasizing their role in promoting peace and solidarity among nations. As the competitions continue, President Guelleh closely follows the performances of Djibouti’s athletes, who are representing the country with pride on the global stage.

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