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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-President of the Federal Government of Somalia, Hassan Sh. Mohamud asked leaders of the Federal Members States not politicize issues of national interests including unity, independence, sovereignty and security of the country.

“The Federal Government is committed not politicize its duty on improving collaborations between both the Federal and Federal Member States, in particular, areas of economy, development and dealing with humanitarian situations by strengthening constitutional rights of the regional states”, President Hassan said in a statement on Wednesday evening.

He underscored that he made more efforts on enhancing the relations between the Federal Government and FMS, in particular, Puntland State, adding that the FGS is still committed to continue every effort on improving relations with Puntland State.

The Statement comes four days after the Federal Government of Somalia announced that the National Consultative Council meeting, which was expected to be held in Mogadishu on 20 to 21st April, was postponed due to technical reasons.

Earlier, Puntland State rejected the participation of the NCC meeting in Mogadishu, declaring that it withdrew recognition from the Federal Government of Somalia while accusing the President of violating the Constitution.

However, these developments came three weeks after the Federal Parliament of Somalia approved the amendments four chapters of the provisional constitution.

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