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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Former President of the Somalia,Sharif Sh. Ahmed confirmed traveling to Garowe, the administrative capital of Puntland State in Somalia to join other opposition leaders for consultations over the future of the country.

“I, along with my delegation, are currently en route to #Garowe, #Puntland, for vital political #consultations on the future of our beloved nation, Somalia”, he said on X.

Puntland State President, Said Abdullahi Deni on Thursday welcomed former Somali President, Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo who landed in Garowe town in a surprise visit after more than years later.

President Sharif’s visit comes a day after he strongly opposed the ongoing constitutional review by the Federal Parliament in press conference, reminding President Hassan Sh.Mohamud if it could function even if the lawmakers pass the amended the constitution.

“I am telling my brother, President Hassan that even if the Parliamentarians approve invalid things, it will not work”, he said.

These developments came as the Federal Parliament of Somalia continues debates over changes and amendments made into the provisional constitution, despite strong opposition from both politicians, members from the parliament and Puntland State.

However, Garowe is expected to give space to the opposition of the Government of Somalia and host conference over their rejection to this issue including elections as the country would to move to presidential system.

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