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Garowe(Mogadishu24)-Chaos and drama erupted at Puntland State’s Parliament on Thursday as members strongly disagreed on the implementation of electoral laws, prompting heated arguments.

This occurred after the special committee on the electoral law proposed to delay its approval and implementation, stating that it would escalate tensions in Garowe city.

The committee argued that postponing the implementation of this law would facilitate smooth mediation efforts to reach a political solution.

“The committee suggests to the council that the law be suspended until the current security situation is resolved,” reads the statement from the special committee.

Puntland State Parliament Speaker, Abdirashid Yusuf Jibril, immediately adjourned the session and dissolved the committee led by Sadik Abshir Garaad.

The Speaker appointed another committee and postponed the electoral law debate to Sunday, November 26th.

Sadik Abshir Garaad, the chairman of the special committee on electoral laws, stated that they have submitted the report to the Speaker, who has subsequently dissolved the committee.

“Since the 15th of this month, the 11-member special committee, chaired by me, has been deliberating on the political situation in Puntland. After that, the committee submitted the final report to the Speaker of the parliament as required,” stated Hon Sadik Abshir Garaad.

“Immediately, the Speaker of the parliament announced the dissolution of the committee, providing no reasons for his decision. We have reached the decision to postpone the implementation of the electoral law, based on the interests of the citizens and to maintain peace in the city,” he added.

Tensions have been high in Garowe since Sunday when heavily armed men allied to the two parties began military movements in strategic centres of the city.

Local sources stated that opposition parties have raised concerns about electoral laws before the Parliament, with the opposition accusing the parliament of favouring President Deni.

Somalia’s international partners released a joint statement on Tuesday, calling upon both parties to remain calm and seek peaceful dialogue.

The armed forces allied with the opposition and government forces clashed on June 20th this year, killing over 30 people and injuring more than 50 others, mostly civilians.

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