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WhatsApp Image 2023 09 20 at 12.48.33 PM

Kenyan security agencies have arrested individuals suspected of instigating inter-clan clashes and political disputes in various regions of the country.

In a Facebook post, Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki announced that security agencies had arrested individuals linked to the political conflicts in Meru County last Sunday.

“Security agencies have intensified arrests this morning for the immediate prosecution of all ringleaders and instigators of the recent political violence that occurred in Igembe South, Meru County,” the CS stated.

He also stated that actions would be taken against those who finance and support criminal activities related to inter-clan conflicts in the Northern region.

“On our radar are the organizers, financiers, and enablers of the criminals involved in inter-clan violence in Rhamu (Mandera), Fafi (Garissa), and Marsabit,” he added.

The CS’s statements come at a time when dozens of people have been killed in renewed inter-clan conflicts in parts of North Eastern counties.

Despite calls for ceasefire by the leaders, the ongoing conflicts between two neighbouring communities in Rhamu, Mandera North, have persisted for more than two weeks, killing more than five people.

Last month, six people were killed in Garissa County due to clan conflicts rooted in land-related disputes.

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